5 Things to Do with Canvas and Calico

We’re stocking a range of canvas fabric on the stall this summer, and we’re always looking out for ways to use our fabric for projects and crafts. Canvas really lends itself to projects – it’s versatile, durable and strong, and it has a lovely, rustic finish.

With that in mind, here are 5 fab things to do with canvas and calico!

  1. Use calico as a ‘mock-up’ fabric – earlier in the month, we posted a blog about dressmaking. Calico is the perfect companion to this – many designers and dressmakers use calico to help them see how the finished product will look and fit before they begin the dressmaking process.
  2. Make your own canvas tote bag – both canvas and calico are an amazing choice for bags, because it’s super durable and strong, but also handily washable. We love the finish of the tote bags in this tutorial, which is a handy video guiding you through the project. Alternatively, there’s a step by step tutorial here.
  3. Make curtains – use calico to make your own curtains for a clean, natural look that lets light in. We found this great beginner’s guide on making curtains – just grab your calico and find your pins, scissors, thread and needles in our shop!
  4. Use canvas for upholstery projects – we’ve a great tutorial for re-upholstering dining room chairs on our blog, but canvas would be a good choice for any upholstery project because of its strength and versatility – and its washability, too!
  5. Make storage boxes using canvas – these are one of the sweetest storage solutions we have seen! These fabric boxes, in small medium and large, are a lovely way to store bits and bobs. Find a free pattern here, and use our canvas fabric for a chic storage update.


Image credit: End Clothing
